DiSC Training

Adapting to different personality types

Enable your executives with this DiSC training to lead different types of employees effectively

Do you know this feeling: You get along with some people right away, others make your neck hair bristle? But what is to be done, if your job demands from you to regularly work together with this person or this kind of person? – The findings from the DiSC profile enable the participants to better understand others and to lastingly improve cooperation. They get a clear picture of their own strengths and areas for development, better understand the behaviour and motivations of other persons and get hints on how to improve their leadership when dealing with different personality types.

Your benefits – four reasons to book this training

Experienced trainer - certified for DiSC


Interactive training design with lots of practical exercises and direct feedback


Highly practical with work on concrete examples of participants


Tailor-made training design and counseling

DiSC training

The training content is tailored to your needs

Potential training topics include:

  • Reflecting own strengths and areas for development
  • Understanding own impression on others
  • Leading different personality types effectively
  • Applying communication strategies depending on type
  • Success factors for leadership, motivation and communication

The training content is tailored to your needs

Potential training topics include:

  • Reflecting own strengths and areas for development
  • Understanding own impression on others
  • Leading different personality types effectively
  • Applying communication strategies depending on type
  • Success factors for leadership, motivation and communication
DiSC training

The training is highly interactive and practical

The DiSC training offers enough room for mutual exchange of experiences. During the training we will work on concrete examples of the participants. Furthermore, there will be lots of interactive elements and exercises, that foster the transfer into daily life.


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Participants confirm the high training effectiveness

“Good practical relevance. Interesting examples and comparisons. Reference to personal questions and problems possible. Many thanks!”
department head in the event industry

Training duration and setup

Prior to the training participants will get access to the DiSC online questionnaire, so that they can receive their individual DiSC report during the training.

The training duration depends on your objectives for the training. I recommend a minimum duration of one day. The maximum group size should not exceed 12 participants.


Anke Michels
Consulting, Training, Coaching
Engelbertstr. 8
D-57489 Drolshagen

E-Mail info@anke-michels.de
Fon +49 (0)30 - 214 614 13
Mobil +49 (0)178 - 196 12 86

You decide: face-to-face or online

You decide which training format suits you best. You may book all offerings as an in-classroom training, a blended learning format or a pure live online training.