Team workshop

Successful as a team

Strengthen your team spirit and improve collaboration

You are setting up a new team and would like to support the team building process? Or are there tensions within an existing team that hamper constructive cooperation?

Strengthen your team through tailor-made team development. Common team experience and work on a particular topic strengthen confidence and improve cooperation. Possible conflicts are touched upon and solved.

Your benefits – four good reason to go for the teamworkshop with me

Experienced trainer and coach with broad experience in team development


Tailor-made counseling and training design


Solution oriented approach


Long-lasting success


The training content is tailored to your needs

Potential training topics include:

  • getting to know each other for new teams
  • development of mutual trust
  • increased team spirit
  • development of a common team vision
  • development of team rules
  • usage of the strengths of the different team members
  • strengthening of cooperation
  • improvement of communication within the team
  • solution of conflicts

The training content is tailored to your needs

Potential training topics include:

  • getting to know each other for new teams
  • development of mutual trust
  • increased team spirit
  • development of a common team vision
  • development of team rules
  • usage of the strengths of the different team members
  • strengthening of cooperation
  • improvement of communication within the team
  • solution of conflicts

In the team workshops different methodologies are used

In team development different methods from coaching, training and moderation are used. Depending on the objective and the season of the year indoor and outdoor elements can be combined. Predominant, however, is always the common experience and common work. Depending on the objective it is also possible to work with the MBTI or the Belbin team role analysis.


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Participants confirm the high effectiveness

“The workshop finally brought us back together again as a team. Thank you so much!”
head of event

Duration and setup

The duration and setup of the team workshop depend on your objectives. Sometimes one or two days can already lead to great results. For some topic it is necessary to stretch the team development over a longer period of time in order to achieve long-lasting results. I recommend placing the training deliberately outside the company premises to ensure an optimal learning environment. The maximum group size should not exceed 12 participants.


Anke Michels
Consulting, Training, Coaching
Engelbertstr. 8
D-57489 Drolshagen

Fon +49 (0)30 - 214 614 13
Mobil +49 (0)178 - 196 12 86

You decide: face-to-face or online

You decide which training format suits you best. You may book all offerings as an in-classroom training, a blended learning format or a pure live online training.